Win + Win + Win = Winning! It’s Simple Addition.
1-1 Family is a win, win, win situation. You win! Your child wins! Your family wins!
(Click on the red bars below to see the benefits of 1-1)
(Click on the red bars below to see the benefits of 1-1)
You Win! (Click/Tap to See How)
You Win!
- You become a parent that operates at your peak performance. You are already a great parent, no doubt. 1-1 helps accentuate your natural desire to become a better parent who is doing the best for their child, teaching them boundaries, natural consequences and good decision-making.
- You have children who listen to you. Mommy and Daddy know best and set good and safe boundaries. With 1-1, children listen more, because they want to avoid natural consequences and learn to be in control of their autonomy–which is their freedom.
- You are a lot less stressed out. With 1-1, the primary benefit is being less stressed out. Natural consequences help you help your children learn to listen. If you can let natural consequences do the work to teach your child, you are a lot less stressed out, and your child benefits at the same time.
- You get needed rest you need. When you "Count Minutes" and claim your restoration time, you are more rested, calm, cool and collected. Parenting suddenly becomes easier. See Counting Minutes and Claiming Minutes.
- You grow as an individual. Because you are claiming more time, you are growing as a person. You are tapping into hobbies and other interests that you enjoy and define you. You are taking necessary time out to enrich yourself.
- You get peace of mind and renewed energy. When you claim your minutes, you have time to think. You have time to ponder. You have time to consider new things. As a result, your have renewed energy and more peace of mind.
- You receive respect from your child. Whether you want to admit it or not, we all want and need respect. We also need this from our family members, and our children. 1-1 provides the boundaries to inspire respect, not just to you from your child, but also from you to your child and family.
- You can get more things done every day. When you're not battling your child all day long with their opposition to you, you are rested with the time you've collected, and you have much more energy and motivation to get more things done each day.
- You become extremely proud of your child. When your child starts to respond to 1-1, you become proud of them because they are listening to and cooperating with you and making great decisions.
- You are happier and more fulfilled. When things start clicking, and you and your child are in sync, life suddenly seems better. You are happier and more fulfilled because things are in order.
- You get a closer 1-1 relationship with your child. Ultimately, the 1-1 Parenting Principle will bring you and your child in a closer one-to-one relationship.
Your Child Wins! (Click/Tap to See How)
Your Child Wins!
- Your child learns personal boundaries. Knowing when to respect someone else's boundaries and enforcing your own boundaries are an important thing for your child to learn as they grow. It helps them feel more safe and it gives them a solid self identity.
- Your child understands natural consequences. The absolute best thing for your child to learn in life is natural consequences. You don't want them to get harmed in any way when they leave home, so it's best to get them prepared now when the consequences are not as rough.
- Your child gains more autonomy. When your child learns how 1-1 works, they realize that by following the rules, there's much more freedom and independence.
- Your child is not punished. With 1-1 you do not have to spank, threaten, ground or send your kiddo into timeout. The natural consequences do the trick. And, you're not the "bad guy" anymore.
- Your child gives you more respect. This may sound old-school, but children need to respect their parents. You are the one person they need to trust in this world, and they need to appreciate your efforts.
- Your child knows what to expect from you. Children always push the boundaries so they can know what to expect. They push you also to see what they can get away with. With 1-1, they can't push back without the natural consequences taking affect.
- Your child learns to make better life choices. Decisions are important in forming your identity. Knowing what you want and don't want are vital. 1-1 helps a child making better decisions in life.
- Your child is much more calm and regulated. Because your child knows the boundaries, and now respect you because you follow through, they become calmer and more regulated.
- Your child gains more confidence. Because your child knows their boundaries and feels safe, they have more courage and confidence in life.
- Your child is happier and more fulfilled. Since you're not punishing your child in the traditional sense, and because they have more autonomy, they are happier and more fulfilled in life.
Your Family Wins! (Click/Tap to See How)
Your Family Wins!
- Your family is overall strengthened. When you and your child have mutual respect and healthy boundaries, your family becomes much closer and stronger.
- Your family is a lot less strained. When you and your child understand one another, and boundaries are clear, your family has a lot less stress.
- Your family has more trust. Because you and your child are respecting each others boundaries, and there is more trust within the members of your family.
- Your family becomes much closer. With trust and boundaries in force, your family relationships can be so much closer and more rewarding.
- Your family enjoys greater moments and memories. As Kodak once promoted, "Kodak doesn't make photographs, Kodak makes memories," your family can be focused on creating lasting memories.
- Your family creates an atmosphere of support. When you and your child are on the same page, your family is supporting one another and things glide easier as a result.
- Your family gains mutual respect. One of life's most valuable commodities is respect. When you and your children have mutual respect, you have a high level of respect for everyone in your family.